
O’Brien gunning for four in a row this weekend in Omagh

O’Brien has been the man to beat at the Omagh Motor Club showpiece in the past three years

Patrick O'Brien at the Bushwhacker Rally in Buckinghamshire
Patrick O'Brien at the Bushwhacker Rally in his hometown of Omagh

PATRICK O’Brien has vowed to do everything in his power to win this weekend’s McKelvey Asbestos Bushwhacker Rally with brother Stephen for a record-equalling fourth consecutive time.

O’Brien has been the man to beat at the Omagh Motor Club showpiece in the past three years – although none of his victories at the loose surface fixture have ever been by more than a few seconds.

Skoda Motorsport’s Fabia R5 has carried him to the top step of the podium on two of these occasions and the Omagh native, who now lives in Perth in Western Australia, is relying on the family-run Czech car once again.

O’Brien is in good company when it comes to those who have managed to chalk up a hat-trick of successes at the Bushwhacker Rally – also commonly referred to as the ‘Omagh Grand Prix’ due to the high average speeds achieved by crews.

However, only two other people have managed to retain the trophy four years on the bounce: the North’s Ronnie McCarney achieved this between 1975 and 1978 while compatriot Robbie McGurk is the all-time record holder having managed it five times.

These came in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003 with McGurk’s run interrupted in 2001 when foot and mouth disease heavily curtailed local motorsport.

“To be on the same list with either of those two people is special,” said O’Brien, who is the number one seed for Saturday’s six-stage event, which is a counting round of both the Sligo Pallets Forest Rally Championship and the McGrady Insurance Northern Ireland Rally Challenge.

”I am hopeful I have a chance of winning again. Of course, the level of competition is always very high, and everyone seems to raise their game for the Bushwhacker Rally, so I will have to do the same.”

O’Brien’s confidence is high following success on the Lakeland Stages Rally almost a fortnight ago in the same car and sitting alongside the same co-driver.

He displayed no signs of rustiness despite the fact he had not competed in the Skoda for the best part of a year following his relocation Down Under.

“I have to say I am really looking forward to getting back onto gravel,” he added. “I was only really finding my rhythm at the Lakeland Stages Rally and before I knew it, the event was over.”

Other standout names in a 100-strong entry include Cathan McCourt (Ford Fiesta Rally2), Jason Mitchell (Volkswagen Polo GTI R5), Ryan Caldwell (Skoda Fabia R5) and Derek McGarrity (Skoda Fabia R5).

Cars will leave the Omagh Showgrounds at 9.30am on Saturday and head to Killeter Forest for the opening stage at 10.29am before tackling the Carrickaholten and Lough Bradan special stages.

Crews return to service after 12pm before the same tests are repeated for the afternoon loop with the winners crowned just before 4pm.