Northern Ireland

Young Belfast mother given months to live ‘overwhelmed’ as £45,000 raised for life extending treatment in Germany

The 22-year-old began experiencing severe headaches and eye discomfort eight months ago

Rachael and her partner Rob at Raeya's first birthday earlier this year
Rachael and her partner Rob at Raeya's first birthday earlier this year

A young west Belfast mother says she’s “overwhelmed” as more than £45,000 has been raised to help her receive life extending treatment in Germany.

Rachael Burns (22) was initially diagnosed with ‘dry eyes’ after suffering headaches and eye discomfort for several months.

An MRI later revealed a mass in her brain, now identified as a diffuse midline glioma brain tumour with the rare and aggressive H3K27 mutation, also spreading down her spine.

Due to the size and position of the tumour, surgery is not an option giving Ms Burns months to live.

Her family have identified a potentially life-extending treatment in Germany, under the name of ONC201 but it comes at a significant cost.

Should she qualify, they will need funds to pay for travel costs, accommodation and the drugs themselves.

Ms Burns said: “I begin my radiation therapy in the next two weeks which is not going to cure my illness but with some hope it may slow the cancer.

“However, upon our own research we have discovered that there are many clinical trials and experimental drugs - one of which is ONC201 in Germany

“This has prolonged the life of many others with my exact brain tumour, with some patients getting as long as 22 months which is unheard of with a tumour that aggressive.

A family fundraiser has raised more than £45k towards the life extending treatment
A family fundraiser has raised more than £45k towards the life extending treatment

“I’ve come to terms with the fact I’m not going to get to grow old, I won’t get to be there for all the birthdays and Christmases and broken hearts and that completely destroys me as you take it all for granted until you feel it slipping away from you.

“My Raeya will always know just how much her mummy fought with everything in her power for even a quick glimpse of watching her grow into the beautiful, strong and kind girl I know she will be in this world.

“Situations are what you make of them and I refuse to just be another statistic.”

Their fundraising page has gathered more than £45,000 with a target of £60,000.

Any remaining money left over from medical treatment will go into a bank account for Rachael’s daughter Raeya, to support her in life for if the time comes when she loses her mother.

Rachael added: “I am completely overwhelmed by the reaction to our fundraiser.

“Thank you to each and everyone of you who took the time out of your days to share and donate.”

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