Northern Ireland

Sign language in schools: 1,200 children learn how to communicate with the deaf or hard of hearing

The programme was rolled out at 33 schools across Northern Ireland

Mark Baker, Chief Executive, Controlled Schools’ Support Council with a pupil representing Cregagh Primary School – engaging with sign language
Mark Baker, CSSC chief executive, engaging with sign language with a pupil from Cregagh Primary School in east Belfast

More than 1,200 children have been taught sign language at 33 primary schools over the past year.

The Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) programme aimed to create an inclusive deaf-friendly learning environment educating children with severe/profound hearing loss.

The initiative, funded by the Department for Communities, saw pupils participate in interactive sign language workshops.

Parents and staff also attended workshops to share increase their own awareness of sign language and the experiences of the deaf community.

Following the conclusion of the programme, resource videos have been launched to help more children learn to communicate with the deaf or hard of hearing.

The videos, which are available on the CSSC website, were launched at a event at Cregagh PS in east Belfast.

“This programme represents a step forward in enabling schools to include and champion deaf pupils by providing new communication skills in sign language and by giving increased confidence to all,” principal David Heggarty said.

“My hope as an educator and school principal, is that this initiative has grown deep roots and will have a significant legacy.

Tracey Woods, Schools’ Support Officer, Controlled Schools’ Support Council; Mark Baker, Chief Executive, Controlled Schools’ Support Council; Anthony Sinclair, Sign Language tutor; David Heggarty, Principal, Cregagh Primary School and pupils representing Cregagh Primary school.
Tracey Woods and Mark Baker of CSSC, Anthony Sinclair, sign language tutor; David Heggarty, Cregagh PS principal with pupils from the school

“Supporting schools to better support their deaf students is essential if we are to narrow the educational outcome gap between deaf children and their hearing peers.”

Mark Baker, CCCS chief executive, said the programme “exemplifies the inclusivity of the controlled sector and how schools serve their local communities”.