Northern Ireland

Retarded Convalescence in the Free State - On This Day in 1925

Both fledgling Irish jurisdictions were suffering from considerable economic stagnation

January 29 1925

CAPTAIN Henry Harrison, Editor of “Irish Truth”, writes in the “Manchester Guardian Commercial”: -

“The Irish Free State has had a year of acute economic depression. Active insurgency is but a bare twenty months stifled, and the political conditions which grew out of a national emergency have not yet developed on to a normal basis.

“The insurrectionary period was followed by a bitter conflict between orthodox and unorthodox Labour elements which produced a very serious unsettlement – an almost unnerving lack of confidence – amongst the business community.

“Gradually, however, in response to the well-nigh unanimous desire of the general public, Ireland recovered the even routine of her daily life.

“Thus, the trade statistics from January 1 to October 31, 1924 – the latest available – present a picture, not of normal Irish trade conditions, but of the existing Irish trade conditions which result mainly from the play of economic cause and effect.

“During the year industry has been at a low ebb and taxation – positively, not merely relatively – at a higher level than in Great Britain; unemployment has been widespread, agriculture is suffering from a season which gave an abundance of grass but of little else. The tentative Government schemes for aiding economic development have been rather slow in materialising.”

Six Co Industries

The Belfast Correspondent of the “Manchester Guardian” writes: -

“The Belfast shipbuilding trade in 1924, as in the previous year, has been depressed. The largest ships built were the Holland-American liner Statendam, which is still awaiting completion instructions, and the Atlantic Transport liner Minnetonka, of 21,998 tons.

“Both these vessels were built by Harland and Wolff, whose only other Belfast ship was the motor-vessel Glenshiel, of 9,500 tons, constructed for the Glen Line. Workman, Clark, and Co turned out nine vessels, only two of which were above 5,000 tons.

“The Linen trade of 1924, especially of the first few months, showed an improvement over 1923. Business was less good during the second half of 1924 owing to high prices generally.

“Manufacturers of coarse goods did satisfactory business in dress linens, a very good trade being done with the United States. Fancy styles have been greatly developed in this class of goods. The linen damask trade has been very depressed during the last twelve months.”

Both fledgling Irish jurisdictions suffered from considerable economic stagnation and decline after they were established.