Northern Ireland

Public encouraged to take part in Simon Community’s ‘One Big Sleep Out 2024′

More than 86,000 people across the north are currently waiting for a social home

Q Radio Breakfast Team at the Simon Community One Big Sleep Out Launch.
The Q Radio breakfast team at the Simon Community One Big Sleep Out Launch. PICTURE: MICHAEL COOPER (Michael Cooper)

Simon Community has launched its ‘One Big Sleep Out’ 2024, on the steps of Stormont.

The focus of the launch was a sofa, visually representing the plight of people who sofa surf or live in temporary accommodations, to highlight the growing homelessness crisis across the north.

Simon Community is encouraging as many members of the public as possible to get involved in ‘One Big Sleep Out’ 2024, on Friday, October 11, at Stormont Estate, to raise funds and draw attention to the “homelessness crisis on the doorstep of our decision-makers”.

Jim Dennison, chief executive of the Simon Community described homelessness as a “growing issue”.

He added: “We all have a role to play in addressing it. Most people’s idea of homelessness is someone sleeping on the streets. Rough sleeping is homelessness at its most visible but in Northern Ireland, but it doesn’t often look like this.

“Instead, we see many more people who are forced to sofa surf, live for long periods in in hostels or B&Bs, or sleep in their cars.

“By joining the One BIG Sleep Out, you’re not just raising money – you’re showing that homelessness is unacceptable and that together, we can make a difference.”

‘One Big Sleep Out’ 2024 participants will join like-minded individuals who are committed to making a difference – sharing stories, making new friends, and uniting for a common cause.

The Simon Community team will ensure a safe experience for everyone, with designated sleeping areas, security, and medical support on site.

Q Radio is proud media partner and the station’s breakfast team will be sleeping out on the night.

In addition, there will be performances, stories, and interactive activities that highlight the realities of homelessness and inspire hope.

In the north, there are 55,500 people officially classified as homeless. That is one in every 34 people.

According to recent Simon Community research, there are up to a further 25,000 people outside the system who are not getting the support they so desperately need.

There are also record high numbers on the social housing waiting list. More than 86,000 people across the north are currently waiting for a social home.

Between the 1970s and 1990s, approximately 4,500 social houses were built each year. In 24/25 the target for social home ‘starts’ has been cut to just 400-600 homes.

In just one week, from June 12 to 19, 2024, there were only 10 available beds out of the 464 in Simon Community temporary accommodation sites.

In the same period, the charity received 425 requests from people desperate for somewhere to stay.

All money raised from the ‘One Big Sleep Out’ 2024 will go directly to Simon Community Services, including emergency accommodation, homelessness prevention, and programs to help individuals rebuild their lives.

The public is encouraged to register, raise funds, or donate by visiting