Northern Ireland

Man questioned over crime linked to PSNI data breach released pending report

The 50-year-old had been detained in Dungiven on Wednesday

The PSNI has said it is investigating two deaths in Newry
Police said the 50-year-old was released pending report to the PPS (Niall Carson/PA)

A 50-year-old man questioned by police investigating criminality linked to the freedom of information data breach has been released.

He had been detained under the Terrorism Act in Dungiven, Co Derry on Wednesday.

His arrest is understood to have been related to the names and details of police officers and staff in Northern Ireland being published online in August 2023.

The information had been released in error by police as they responded to a freedom of information (FoI) request.

On Thursday, a PSNI spokeswoman said the man had been “released pending report to the Public Prosecution Service”.

“The investigation continues,” she said.