Northern Ireland

Derry female murder victim may be foreign national

Victim found following fire in city centre flat

the scene of a murder in the Harvey Street area of Derry city on Saturday. A womans body was discovered in a house after a fire in the building. Picture Margaret McLaughlin  24-8-2024
Forensic officers carried out a detailed search at the scene of Saturday's murder. Picture: Margaret McLaughlin. (MARGARET MCLAUGHLIN PHOTOGRAPHY )

The PSNI is investigating the possibility that a woman murdered in what they have described as a “brutal and savage” attack in Derry on Saturday was a foreign national.

Police have yet to confirm the identity of the victim whose body was found in a flat at Harvey Street in the city centre early on Saturday morning. The victim is believed to be in her 50s.

The scene of the murder remained sealed off throughout Sunday. Just metres from Derry city centre’s busy Waterloo Street, Harvey Street is home to a number of flats and accommodation for short term rent

Police and fire and rescue services were called to the scene at 4.15am after a fire was discovered in a downstairs apartment.

The victim’s body was found in the flat and she was declared dead at the scene. A wide police cordon was put in place around nearby streets while it’s understood investigating officers seized CCTV footage from businesses and other sources later on Saturday.

the scene of a murder in the Harvey Street area of Derry city on Saturday. A womans body was discovered in a house after a fire in the building. Picture Margaret McLaughlin  24-8-2024
A forensic tent remained at the scene of the murder throughout Saturday. Picture: Margaret McLaughlin (MARGARET MCLAUGHLIN PHOTOGRAPHY )

Detective Chief Inspector Anthony Kelly described the murder as a “heinous and evil crime”.

“From our inquiries so far, we can tell you that the victim suffered a horrific attack and sustained multiple injuries,” he said.

The senior detective appealed to anyone who was in the Harvey Street area between 2am and 5am on Saturday or who heard anything to come forward. He also asked anyone with CCTV, doorbell or dash-cam footage to make it available to police.

“I’m appealing directly to the local community to tell us anything you know. We need to find out who did this,” Detective Chief Inspector Kelly said.

the scene of a murder in the Harvey Street area of Derry city on Saturday. A womans body was discovered in a house after a fire in the building. Picture Margaret McLaughlin  24-8-2024
A police presence has been maintained at Harvey Street since the discovery of the victim's body. Picture: Margaret McLaughlin. (MARGARET MCLAUGHLIN PHOTOGRAPHY )

The murder has been widely condemned. SDLP assembly member, Mark H Durkan said it was “harrowing and heart-breaking”.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with a family waking to the worst possible news this morning,” Mr Durkan said.

Sinn Féin councillor, Sandra Duffy urged the Derry public to help police apprehend the killer.

Ms Duffy said: “The community is in shock today after police confirmed that a woman was found dead at a house in Harvey Street. They have also confirmed that a fire took place at the property.

“My immediate thoughts and prayers are with this woman’s family and friends.”

Police said a post mortem examination was to be carried out to establish the exact cause of death.