
Christmas Reflection: The gift that keeps giving

Faith is the key that opens the door to the endless promises guaranteed by the Christmas Child...
Faith is the key that opens the door to the endless promises guaranteed by the Christmas Child...

COULD you give me one key that could unlock all the gifts? Just one that would open up the possibilities and the dreams I have? Surely such a thing can only be found with Red Riding Hood or Snow White? Unless these stories draw on our imagination, pointing us to one that is rooted in reality.

I believe there is one gift that can truly unlock the dreams we have. Dreams of a life with contentment, free from anxieties, without the shadow of our past hanging over us, with genuinely good reasons for hope. One gift that can heal the hurts and sorrows that we carry in our hearts, one that can open a door to a flourishing life.

This is the gift of faith. Faith that opens the door to endless promises all guaranteed by the Christmas Child, who would go to live a perfect life and die in our place. Asking for this gift of faith can change any life... then take it with you as you read a gospel and it will grow even stronger.

Rt Rev Dr John Kirkpatrick


Presbyterian Church in Ireland