
‘I like to use visualisation meditation for what I’m going to do on the pitch’ - Crusaders Strikers’ Mia Moore

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: 17-year-old Crusaders Strikers forward, Mia Moore

Mia Moore Strikers
Mia Moore's goal is to play professionally
1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

I waken up at 7am and have a shower and get ready. I don’t eat first thing in the morning, but I always drink a glass of pure orange juice before getting on the train to head to my football sports academy.

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? I will have breakfast when I arrive at my sports academy - two Weetabix.

Lunch? Lunch will probably be pasta, covered in tomato and basil sauce.

Evening meal? Dinner is generally a stir-fry, lasagne, or some sort of well-balanced meal. On match days, I will always have the same tomato and basil pasta.

3. Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?

Nutrition is important to me as it helps me develop and ensures I’m eating carbohydrates for energy. At the minute, I don’t take health supplements, apart from a multivitamin tablet.

4. Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?

No, I haven’t been on a diet - I see diets as short-term goals, whereas a generally healthy diet has to be a lifestyle choice. Sometimes, though, I think I can get away with a treat or two.

5. Weekend treat?

My weekend treat would be honey chilli chicken from a good Chinese restaurant or takeaway.

6. How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

At the moment, I train every day with my sport academy - sometimes twice a day, with club training most evenings, apart from Friday (before the season starts). I find the physical training keeps my mental health good, as I’m in a good routine. I also like to use visualisation meditation for what I’m going to do on the pitch.

7. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Do something, no matter how small, and set small goals for yourself so you can feel a sense of achievement.

8. Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?

I enjoyed doing all sports - it was my favourite subject at school.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

Teetotal - I’m not 18 yet, but I don’t plan on drinking due to it having a negative impact on performance.

Mia Moore Strikers
Mia Moore believes football provides players with all sorts of good life skills
10. Stairs or lift?

I take the stairs - I’m scared of lifts.

11. What book are you currently reading?

Beth Mead’s Lioness - My Journey to Glory.

12. Best Netflix /streaming TV?

I’m currently watching Fool Me Once on Netflix.

13. Any new skills or hobbies?

No, no new skills or hobbies; I am just always trying to progress in football. I was so excited to sign on the dotted line with Crusaders and get to play striker – number 10. I would say, though, football provides players with all sorts of good life skills.

14. How do you relax?

Relaxing for me is lying on top of my bed watching Netflix. I always like watching Arsenal Women playing matches on TV.

15. What would you tell your younger self?

I’m still young, but to anyone who wants to do something, just go and do it. When I was younger, there were times when I was the only girl in football club or football camp - but I didn’t let something like that change my mind. I kept at it and had a debut season with Linfield where I netted 10 goals. I captained the U15 Bob Docherty Cup squad and progressed through the ranks to earn a call-up for the U19s at just 16. I would tell myself, ‘Well done’ for sticking with my dream.

16. What are your goals going forward?

My short-term goals are getting top goal scorer in the NIFL Premiership and winning some silverware. I really hope in the new season we can win some trophies and move up the table. My long-term goal is to develop myself into the best player I can be and to play football full-time, professionally, across the water.

17. What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

Yes, I always aim to get around eight or nine hours’ sleep. Some days my sleep quota gets a boost if I have a wee nap in between football training.

18. Biggest gripe or regret?

When I’m getting ready for a football game and it’s called off…

19. Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

I’ve learnt that I’ve made the decision to prioritise my football training over what a lot of my friends are doing at this stage of life - like missing a lot of parties. Even though I’m young, I still have good experience playing at the first-team level as well as internationally, with U17 and U19 squads.

20. Has coronavirus – or any health epiphany or life event - changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

My dad has had mental health problems and he told me to just do whatever is right for me - and what I enjoy. And, most importantly, to never give up.