
REVIEW: Oliver! young performers are full of oom-pah-pah

Mason McLoughlin (Oliver), Caroline McMichael (Nancy), Jackson Allen (Fagan) and Conor Kelly (The Artful Dodger) in the Grand Opera House Summer Youth Production of Oliver!
Mason McLoughlin (Oliver), Caroline McMichael (Nancy), Jackson Allen (Fagan) and Conor Kelly (The Artful Dodger) in the Grand Opera House Summer Youth Production of Oliver!

REVIEW: Oliver! Summer Youth Production at Grand Opera House

It may be billed as an amateur production, but the energy, enthusiasm and professionalism on stage at the opening performance of Oliver! at Belfast’s Grand Opera would have given any full-time touring company a run for their money.

In just two weeks, director Tony Finnegan and his cast of 160 young people, aged 10-18 transformed Lionel Bart’s masterpiece into an upbeat evening of entertainment.

With glorious tunes, colourful costumes and a stunning set design, audiences were treated to a heart-warming production, capturing the poverty and opulence, the crime and the kindness of 1830s London.

It seems unfair to pick stand-outs from such a great ensemble, but 17-year-old Victoria College student Caroline McMichael was sensational as Nancy.

Such a strong, powerful voice with immense emotion shown during her number As Long as He Needs Me, Caroline’s tender portrayal of this sympathetic character was worthy of the West End stage.

Conor Kelly (The Artful Dodger) and Mason McLoughlin (Oliver)
Conor Kelly (The Artful Dodger) and Mason McLoughlin (Oliver)

Oliver was played by 10-year-old Lisburn boy Mason McLoughlin (a part he alternates with 11-year-old Bangor boy Ryan Johnson). The pint-sized young actor captured the innocence of the role and sang with clarity.

Eighteen-year-old Jackson Allen, as criminal mastermind Fagan, demonstrated a stage presence beyond his years and St Joseph’s College 13-year-old Conor Kelly, delivered the Cockney accent of The Artful Dodger to perfection, bouncing around the stage with enthusiasm.

Read more:

  • Pirates of Penzance – Summer Youth Production at Grand Opera House
  • Cult Movie: David Lean's Oliver Twist is a masterpiece of British movie making

The choreography for the big numbers – Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself and I’d Do Anything – complete with the playing of tin pans, washboards and spoons – was delightful.

Every cast member played their part to the full – no nerves, hesitations or fluffed lines were evident in this artful production.

The summer youth production also allowed young people to be involved behind the scenes – as part of the technical crew and live orchestra.

A deserved standing ovation left audiences asking ‘could we have some more please’.

Six years ago, Lurgan teenager Conor Headley starred as Bill Sykes in the Grand Opera House’s youth production of Oliver! Last year he starred in their panto as The Prince and audiences are sure to see some of this year’s cast back on the famous stage in years to come.

:: Oliver! continues until Saturday July 22. Booking at goh.co.uk.